I cannot stress this enough. Get to the polls and Vote. Trump wants to make Virginia Dems comfortable that his followers won’t show up at the polls. He projects. You know this. He is gaslighting with another lie. Unless you like the state of affairs in Florida or Texas, you better get out and vote for Terry.
You are being lulled into a state of comfort that these republicans will not show up based on Trump’s other big lie as not showing up to vote until the 2020 election is settled. We do not need another Florida or Desantis and that is what Virginia will be if Governor Terry is not re elected. It will also give the insurrectionists inspiration to bring our republic down in 2022 and 2024. This could be your last vote in a democracy.
Find your polling place. Make a plan and get out there and Vote Dem again. This is a test and the polls are waaay too close. These anti American republicans want bragging rights. Only you can stop it. Get with 90 for 90 and follow their lead.
Look at DeSantis and Florida or Texas and Abbott and learn that is not what you want for your state.