If this has been posted, I apologize but it is getting really really hard walking around with one’s jaw on the floor, so I picked up my jaw and posted this. Read this and see how hypocritical these Right Winged Nut Jobs really are.
Well, it seems cherrypicking the constitution and the bible is very acceptable to these people.
I feel we not only fell down the rabbit hole but we were pushed down the rabbit hole and the rabbit hole is a huge mass of twilight zone people at the top.
I hope there is a huge ad showing the strange little white man putting his sexism on full display but IMO, he and DeSantis kill kids and women and men equally and all in the name of Freedom. When I hear the word Patriot now, I literally look for the confederate flag, no mask and handmaiden’s uniform hidden in plain sight. These people are more than nuts. They are EVIL. Confused Evil is really scary and dangerous.
GOP Missouri state representative appeared to suggest the statue of former President Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial should be removed if statues of "reprehensible" people, like Confederate General Robert E. Lee, were taken down. "If we insist on tearing down statues of reprehensible people, let's at least be fair and balanced about it," Missouri State Rep. Tony Lovasco said in a tweet Thursday. Lovasco attached to the tweet a photo of the statue of Lincoln seen at the forefront of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. The tweet was in a response to a video that showed the large statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee atop a horse being removed in Richmond, Virginia, earlier this week. The 12-ton statue was the largest remaining statue honoring the Confederacy in the US and was ordered removed by Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, as Insider previously reported. In the tweet, Lovasco did not explain how or why he viewed Lincoln as "reprehensible." In a follow-up tweet, the GOP state representative responded to critics of his earlier message who said his tweet implied he supported the Confederacy. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/missouri-gop-lawmaker-suggests-lincoln-memorial-should-come-down-after-robert-e-lee-statue-is-removed-in-richmond/ar-AAOkRbQ