I am very angry. Most people who try to abide by the rule of law should be outraged. Those in the republican party who stand behind what has happened and been happening in this country since 2016 should be confronted by the only party who is being trampled on and being completely ignored regarding their position since the 2018 election.
I fear that the reason the republicans keep lying, breaking laws, intimidating our democratic leaders boils down to one reason. They do not fear or respect or backing down and know good and well, there will be no repricussions for their actions. No more we will give it time, or we may do this. Respect your job of checks and balances and start NOW making these people ignoring the rule of law to be held accountable and not next month… NOW.
I have no idea where we are heading and absolutely no desire to get out the vote or even try to vote when our leaders are being ignored. They represent us and yet not really do what we want. We WANT BARR impeached. We want laws upheld. We want justice to apply to everyone. Jerry Nadler needs to supboena and demand the ultimate consequences for pulling this stunt from anyone in this administration who is ignorning the oversight job we hired them to do.
Nancy Pelosi needs at this point to bring up impeachment hearings and if the senate which we know will not remove, still needs to have our respect for the rule of law on record.
The people need to stop this. Go to your legislators. Show up in town halls...Do what you have to do to stop one man from holding YOUR constitution and YOUR country hostage to lies, betrayals, intimidations, injustices while taking your money to do so.
Failure for democrats to start tomorrow and take this all the way to the eve of 2020 election, then they are not doing what we sent them to do. Full stop.
Playtime over people…
A few democrats are screaming Impeach and they and we are getting pacifers and false hope that we are still living by the rule of law. Call Mueller to testify next week. Call Don McGhan to testify next week. LAYING ALL BUSINESS ASIDE. We have that power. USE IT. Let the real stand off begin. We have talk which makes good TV but lousy governing.
A person who claims in so many words not just the report but the law is his baby and will do damn well as he pleases and that is protecting this administration. He must be held accountable and he will stand in the way of every other investigation.