It’s dark and there is so much division and speculation mixed with proof of what we do know.
This lying, suspicion, corruption, dirty dealing and yes the God knows what else is tearing this US apart that we don’t know.
The chaos of the black hole we find ourselves in, is more than emotionally draining, it is consuming our lives. We have people furloughed and cannot afford diapers for their babies, food for their children, a dumb wall standoff that won’t work at all, throwing citizens into poverty like conditions and a maniac and his minions at the wheel destroying the country. Why? What is the truth of all of this.
Millions of us are “ We the People”. There are a few cabinet members, rogue republicans against our founding fathers roadmap and some unhinged followers.
We the people outnumber the traitors.
The constitution did not prepare us for this kind of America. During Nixon, we had a few standing lockstep with him but the majority for preservation of the constitution was held by the democrats and sane republicans. THERE WAS NO FOREIGN POWER INVOLVED IN WATERGATE.
We cannot go on like we are. We cannot wait until 2020 to pull us from the edge of whatever we are about to experience because we can’t fight what we don’t know.
Can someone at the United Nations step up to call America into account of what is happening in this United States. I know we are a soverign nation but this bunch will dominate and affect the world order as we know it. It will affect the markets, the treaties, the climate, the whole ability to have a safe world with all of the changes and roll backs and the what we don’t know could be worse than what we do.
It’s not a shutdown. It’s a shakedown. It’s not a government for the people and by the people. It’s something else. We basically do not have a State department or National Security team. We have an unhinged administration and his party ripping us to shreds. It has to stop. It won’t take but one, just one REAL scary episode to throw us into the state of total panic and dying nation. One 911, one
pandemic, one ballistic missile, one huge terrorist attack is all it will take to finish us off. We need some sunlight as to what and who is governing the people in this country.
I have the highest regard for Robert Mueller but could he not release to the public and forget the protocol and ethics, (that we are used to going by, the norm has become non existent)...can we have him start releasing info to the public to make us aware of what is happening.
When a former chief of National Security says, “ Our president is a clear and present danger”, that is something big. When someone in the know makes the statement,”It’s time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country”, then it’s time for some sunlight. We need an intervention. We need to know what the Hell is happening. WE ARE NOT IN NORMAL TIMES.
There was a time that flags were flown upside down as a distress call. Are we there? It is Truth or Consequences time.