A wall has to be constructed? No? Who has the magic beans for a 30 foot wall?
Jack used his on the beanstalk and Trump does not have a cow to trade anyway.
Now let this stupid democrat full of obstruction who is not running the country try and figure this out.
1. Plans have to be laid out and construction contracts have to be given to bidders. Am I correct?
2. A 2000 mile wall or a 1 acre concrete fence has to be surveyed for safety and availability for said wall to be considered.
3. Supplies, regardless of material has to be itemized ( during the planning stages) and labor must figured.
4. This one is really a head scratcher. How long does it take to construct a 30 ft. 2000 mile wall? Well let me see. The only thing remotely close I could find was the planning and construction of The Hoover Dam which took over 5 years to actually build after many and I mean many years of planning. Lives were lost, court cases took place and it had all kinds of plans in place. OK, the Hoover Dam was not the best example but nothing this ridiculous and costly has ever been proposed. This is his moon shot I guess with absolutely no good to come, only bad. He wants to make America a Prison, complete with walls.
As the United States developed the Southwest, the Colorado River was seen as a potential source of irrigation water. An initial attempt at diverting the river for irrigation purposes occurred in the late 1890s, when land speculator William Beatty built the Alamo Canal just north of the Mexican border; the canal dipped into Mexico before running to a desolate area Beatty named the Imperial Valley.[7] Though water from the Imperial Canal allowed for the widespread settlement of the valley, the canal proved expensive to maintain. After a catastrophic breach that caused the Colorado River to fill the Salton Sea,[8] the Southern Pacific Railroad spent $3 million in 1906–07 to stabilize the waterway, an amount it hoped in vain would be reimbursed by the Federal Government. Even after the waterway was stabilized, it proved unsatisfactory because of constant disputes with landowners on the Mexican side of the border.
We have disputes with landowners on our side of the border. Go one inch over the border and there is big trouble.
Now, I know nothing about construction and building and such, but I know there has to be inspections and safety measures and even building a fence takes time and must be erected safely as not to harm the homes and people within a certain range of construction and if it falls down, all construction stops.
No 70 plus year old, includingTrump would ever live long enough to see a wall completed, much less be in office for the finalization of such a mass and expensive undertaking. This is even taking into account, all plans were drawn, all money was secured, every problem was solved, all land was secured, all treaties were worked out regarding wildlife and waterways, inspections and no objections. Use the military? Well, I feel more secure knowing we will never have to put another boot on the ground to defend America because we are working on a wall, don’t you. I have no idea when we obtained peace throughout the world and the military was no longer needed to stand ready to protect America. I must have missed that memo. We surely cannot depend on any allies. They are all but gone to rush to America’s aid in a crisis or an attack.
The argument yesterday was that another caravan was forming. WHAT? They could swim from every nook and crannie of the world and be here before that wall got built. So in Trump and the little minds of ignorance have decided that putting millions of people out of work, American lives in danger from a shutdown and declaring a national emergency will solve the immigration problem. Got it.
The only thing I can figure that he has up his sleeve other than making America suffer is a pocketful of magic beans. He can plant those suckers and overnight a magical wall will appear for 2000 miles and be safe, sturdy and no problem. Just poof, and overnight a wall appears. Now we come to the question of , “ Where’s the cow that is traded for the beans”? Can someone please do a cartoon of Trump as Wimpy from Popeye saying, “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for some magic beans today”.
After a little research, if the Great Wall of China, which is only 23ft high was built today. It would take 58 years. If you were to just restore it, that would take about 4 years in certain spots.
Then scale that by having a thousand similar teams working separately and you get it done in 58 years.
I want some reporter to ask these questions about the Magic Wall and does he have the best and most beautiful magic beans in the world and where did he get them. I also want to know what cow he traded to obtain these magic beans.
What in the world are the wall screamers thinking? Do they believe that Don and the wall are equivalent to
We must build a wall before another caravan comes.Jack and the Beanstalk?
I sure wish this post was snark or from the Onion. It’s not.