There were a few very nervous looking shaved head guys ( no intention to shame bald people) just trying to describe what just happened. They were marched out and stood behind DJT after the press was summoned to the WH briefing room for a news conference to only watch Sarah Sanders come out and say Happy New Year, heeeeeeeeeeeere’s the President. (In so many words) He walks out with who I thought was Secret Service hoping he was going to resign but instead talks Border wall and brings back up to say, “ Walls work” and we are in favor of a shutdown.
He finishes up the appearance by walking out after explaining the meeting had been planned and today was just the time to have the briefing. DJT turns his back on the press and walks out. No questions… NADA.
What the Hell was that? Stealing Nancy’s day. Oh I forgot he congratulated her. The young kid right behind him looked so nervous, I couldn’t help but wonder why he was there.
The media compared this to the day Spicer went out and claimed Obama had a lesser crowd.
The man is unhinged. We say that a lot but this was just confusing. Does he even realize how inconvienent it is to run down on an emergency call and set up mics and the media gather to expect a Q & A for there to be no Q & A. This was not a briefing. This was a commercial.