Never in my 65 years have I ever witnessed such disrespect for a sitting wartime president. I have not forgotten the hatred of G W Bush. That hatred was based on policy and not from people trying to win votes . The hate and distortion is coming from Governors, former governors, and sitting senators and legislators. The fear mongering thrust upon ignorant, angry and confused people is absolutely unforgivable.
The praising of police with a broad stroke and knowing some are guilty of murdering and attacking people of color is not in this country’s best interest. There are good law enforcement but like everything else, there are too many out of control.
To totally dismiss climate change is not in this country’s best interest. We have anger and classless lies to embellish one’s position to put them in power at all cost and stomping on the heads of the oppressed to reach their goal. We are in the silly season but this is beyond the silly season. This stuff is crazy. We have open carry and shootings and are sitting targets due to the lack of gun control policies. I am preaching to the choir BUT you must realize your vote is so much bigger than electing a democratic president. This is about saving a country. This is about actively getting people to vote in their best interest and educating those drawn to crazy because they are not as AWARE as we are here on Daily Kos. The media and propaganda machines are in full force. This is a warning to all Democratic voters to not make the mistake to sit this election out. Maybe you are young enough to see the ruin of a nation and then rebuild.. So many of us are not afforded this luxury. We are watching several front running George Wallace’s of the 60’s attack us at every opportunity.
This is much bigger than Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. They know this as well. This is about a nation crumbling due to hatred, racism, sexism, and so much anger being directed towards anyone who thinks and acts rational. Make no mistake about this call out. We are at war with the extreme right wing of a once upon a time Republican party. It is time...past time to get on one page and quit snipping at one another regarding our own candidates and roll up our sleeves and know the danger we are facing. We cannot afford to be aloof and we cannot afford to stand by with fiddles in hand as we watch this country turn into something that will result in bloodshed on a massive scare if these people wiggle and lie their way into office, from dogcatcher to president. It is our job to take the election away from the crazies.
We already should be afraid of the Ya’ll Quada bunch camped out on public land. We should cringe everytime we hear of mass shootings. We should be standing up and working on electing every democrat in our districts. I hope to be doing a series soon on the 11th District and helping Dave Koller. Dave is running for the congressional seat held by Rich Nugent and a worthless representative of the people of this district.
Dave is a member of 90 for 90.
Dr, Ferguson Reid Sr.and Jr, and me in Virginia.Dave Koller……
Dave Koller is running in the 11th district for Nugent’s congressional seat.Dave Koller, Bernie Sanders, Angela Marx, Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, Howard Dean, Planned Parenthood, Big Unions, Terri Wonder, Daily Kos, Move are all on board with the 90 for 90 movement. A shout out to our own Zen Trainer and Gordon, Denise, Meteor Blades, Randalt, and me as well have and continue to support this 50 state outreach. Dr,. Ferguson Reid inspired this movement and we all should be dedicated to moving this country forward and away from the dark places the republicans want to take us. Baby steps can evolve into a huge leap of inspirational marching. We need to realize our time is now. There is an urgency of now. The urgency is vastly becoming critical. You are not too old. Dr. Reid is almost 91. He is still actively pushing to get out the vote. I still think he deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom. There should be a medal for inspiration. He deserves it, hands down. The hammer of justice is on that site. The tools you need are there. Go there and help your own candidates try and bring us back from a cliff too close. Reign in Sanity by getting on board of getting out the vote and steering people to promote and donate to these candidates with brains not hatred.
Please join us here at Daily Kos in numerous groups of getting out the vote.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are both members of the Dr. Reid strategy movement. The 90 for 90 page can give you tools to get the vote out for your candidates. IT IS A 50 STATE STRATEGY. Go there and get your tools and support the effort of helping save this country.
This is so much worse that we ever thought possible and the world is watching. We need to be very aware that good sense has been replaced with hatred and fear mongering from the right. It started with the Tea Party in 2010 but has evolved into mainstream candidates. If you think I am exaggerating the urgency, then go ahead…...I am not into fear mongering but I am into reality. This my friends, is real. All you have to do is follow the politics of hatred and watch debates. The voice of reason is nowhere in sight on the right or has been shouted down by nuttiness. There is an army of anger and blaming the wrong people for their state of affairs. It is time we start moving and enlisting in this war that has been declared on the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the minority , the women, the gays, the Muslims and the list goes on. We vote sanity in and crazy out. We have to become more engaged and not drift back to sleep thinking all of this will work itself out. It won’t.
So what are you prepared to do?