Trump has been off the rails for awhile but does he believe telling Veterans they are weak due to PTSD will con them out of treatment which could save their lives? This man has moved beyond dangerous to a threat to society.
PTSD and not just about veterans is a real issue and real disabling condition. It is time for someone with a spine to take him out of the presidential running Remember this...If you endorse anything this guy says, you are enabling harm. Every GOP candidate has this to deal with. The surrogates… Guilty. Those who say nothing...Guilty...Supporters...Guilty. This is beyond the pale. We are talking about life or death.
Keep this in mind as well….A commander in chief sends out letters to veterans that are honorably discharged to honor their service. How many deaths will this off the cuff, insensitive remark cause and what family member wants a letter from trash like this when a soldier dies? Again, how many will say they can be stronger because Trump called them weak and check out. This is domestic terrorism...This is not a presidential race. Michael Reagan, conservative went against him in a twitter storm over his remarks about Hillary Clinton. The Reagan family has totally disavowed the man and called on the RNC to do something.
A chickenhawk who compares venereal disease to combat...ptsd to weakness and other outrageous things as honorable is insane. America, you are smarter than this. Call him out and shut his mouth. Paul Ryan, you are a spineless, worthless disgrace to your party. You should be removed as speaker of the house. I hope we never have to endure such nonsense in a political race again. I hope and pray the American people stand up against this outrage.
A man frothing at the mouth is not only disturbing but hurting this country.
His latest outrage reminds me of a time I was visiting at a VA in the 90’s. A doctor made the statement to a psych patient that his ptsd was weakness and he needed to get over it. The old Vietnam Vet, sitting in a wheelchair, said calmly, “ Doc, have you ever been shot at?” The doctor said “ NO”. The veteran looked at him with a steel, somber voice and said, “ What are you doing Saturday”? That doc turntailed and left the ward. I was there … I saw it and laughed out loud.
Someone needs to pose that question to Donald at the debate and see his response.