This is not a scare tactic. This is a reality check. We are in very unchartered waters with this election.
Please THINK…. Many of you do not know how bad it can get with a protest vote. You have 2 and only 2 choices.
x YouTube VideoI heard Bernie speak with knowledge yesterday. I heard Hillary speak and I heard the pleads for young people and disillusioned folks to come and vote for them.
We have lived without the DRAFT into military service for decades now...BUT...I believe with all my heart it will be re enacted with the rest of the world turning on us and they will if Trump becomes president. They will turn on us… Bank on it... if we do not have responsible legislators in congress.
x YouTube VideoFor those who do not think this can happen in America, you are so wrong. I lived through the Draft notices and carnage of Vietnam. I watched many making a mass exodus to Canada but that door has been barred. We also would not in my opinion luck up again to get a President like Carter to forgive those draftees who sought asylum in Canada.
Trump is a destructive force and what do you think the urgent pleas from Sen. Sanders is all about? I believe they want you to have a future. What kind of future will you have under a president Trump? I believe we could be at war within the first 100 days and then this area would become so unstable that the Draft laws would be revamped. President Obama and FLOTUS begged yesterday and tried to plead with you that a no vote or third party vote is for Trump. Do not think for a moment that it is out of the realm of possibility that you will not have to report to your local draft board. As it is, you are still have to register when you turn 18 as of right now, so why do you think that is? Have you ever seen the look on a peace loving person’s face when they receive that notice?
Have you ever seen the pain and stress of trying to avoid selective service? Have you ever seen MP’s come and take a person away in handcuffs with FBI warrants? I have. There are people on here who has gone through this nightmare. The prison….the shackles, the guns to the is real and has happened numerous times in America to force a young person to go fight. You can run, but there is no such thing as hiding, especially in this tech world. The military is NOT for everyone but your choice gets taken away once there is a draft in place.
Watch this video of Michelle Obama...our FLOTUS.
Sanders then added:
Begging people to Vote for Clinton:
“When we’re talking about president of the United States, in my own personal view, this is not time for a protest vote. This is time to elect Hillary Clinton and then work after the election to mobilize millions of people to make sure she can be the most progressive president she can be.”
Let’s move on to the Supreme Court. Everything that some of us have fought and bled for including equal rights, which we never really obtained as it should be will be gone. The right to choose...Gone. Equal marriage laws...gone… Freedom of religion….Gone...Freedom of Speech….gone. I honestly believe this because a person such as Trump will not adhere to the Bill or Rights or Constitution. This country could become a bloody mess.
The contemporary women’s movement began in the late 1960s. Many women who participated in the movement had also worked in earlier movements, where they had often been relegated to menial tasks, such as photocopying and answering phones. Some began to protest these roles and to question the traditional roles for women in U.S. society. During the 1950s and early 1960s, society pressured women to marry, have children, and then remain at home to raise those children. The prevailing view was that women’s abilities in the workplace and in public life were limited by their physical fragility and by their roles as mothers. Women were expected to stay at home and to depend on men to provide their financial support.
As a result, women were routinely excluded from high status or well-paying jobs. They had only gained the vote in 1920 and had little voice in the nation’s political and economic life. In 1963 The Feminine Mystique, by Betty Friedan, was published and became a best-seller. This book spoke to many women’s dissatisfactions with the role that society expected of them. The book encouraged women to work for change.
One of the movement’s first successes was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which, among other things, outlawed discrimination based on gender. However, government officials rarely enforced the antigender discrimination provision. As a result of this official indifference, in 1966 a small group of women led by Friedan formed the National Organization for Women (NOW) to demand that the government prosecute cases of job discrimination against women.
Beauty Pageants….. That is what Trump thinks SOME women should be doing…..
People have never seen since cowboy days the kind of lawlessness that we are creeping into. Do you think that do nothing congress will stand up to Trump? Ask yourself, what does he have on them? Just look at Paul Ryan !
He will tow the line and the rest will fall in line. So, if you still want to do a protest vote thinking it will make no difference...then you are fooling yourself but you are determining people’s futures that want no part of a protest vote. They do not want to roll back the clock. They do not want that letter that says, “ Greetings”. They want to live with their partners. They want to go to college. They want equal pay. They had rather go on with a candidate that is not perfect than one that is totally insane. Johnson and Stein is not the answer. You have two choices and only two.
You really need to think of the consequence of how life was in the 60’s. You really need to think about bad and cruel life can be. If some of you think it is bad now, you have no idea how bad it can get. You really need to think just how bad this country will become in survival mode, depending maybe on you leaving home, putting on some marching boots with a weapon strapped to your side and no choice. You need to think. Life has not always been like it is. This is not about video games, I pads, cell phones, computers, A game with 10 more lives, a social network...Folks.. This is Life and Death issues.
History has shown us that life has a way of repeating itself if people do not learn from the past. People did not think it was possible for dictators to take over in places like Nazi Germany. You might want to think just how far down a rabbit hole you could be forced to go when you decide to make a protest vote. Are you ready for that kind of America? I don’t want to have to face that kind of America again but Trump is longing for the good ole days which was when???????? Oh and by the way, senators kids don’t serve. Rich kids usually do not serve. Are you rich enough to throw a protest vote out there because trust me you are not thinking in reality terms. Take it from some of us who have lived through war, civil rights protests and White privilege on a large scale and women dodging gropes, whistles, abuse and God only knows what the other minorities will face.
I really want some old timers on here to explain what a draft, war, carnage, limited rights, look like up close and personal. Trust me…. It is nothing like you have seen. You really do not want to go there.
Does he want you, your little brother, your sister?SAY NO TO PROTEST VOTE…..SAY NO TO NOT VOTING….
Remembered on a black wall in Washington? White….ColoredV O T E………..FOR ……….THE…….DEMOCRATIC PARTY……….