I am sick and tired of some people and there are quite a few, lumping all Kossacks as defenders and voters for DeSantis. We would not be posting on Daily Kos if we were voters of that POS.. Get it through your heads that most of us get out and work for democratic opponents in every district. We work hard and yet we are outnumbered by the republican residents or voters who actually DO vote against our interests.
So many of us down here are not in good health, have limited financial funds and can’t just pick up and move where the politics are nicer to us. How hard is that to understand? You offend us with accusing us unapologetically I might add as deserving what we have. NO WE DON’T. It is exactly like accusing all of you and blaming you for Trump’s presidency. It is like saying...”YOU voted for him so you deserve what you get OR just leave the country. It is insulting and anyone who participates in that kind of rhetoric should be timed out, IMO.
It is insulting and degrading to the good posters from Florida who are fighting like Hell to get more democrats elected and working our butts off to do so. I can show you picture after picture of people here working for dems constantly. I can show you post after post writing for the dem candidates.
Knock it off because we have lost some very good people from Florida on this site for this very thing.
If this continues there will be more leaving or flagging such insults.
I have said my peace and at 74 with health issues, and family health issues, and like many other Florida posters...We don’t need to be lectured about how we are deserving of some of the worst things happening in this state and country. Sem Dem is a staff member here. He is Floridian. I am sure he is not happy with this nonsense about Florida residents.
Knock it off. If there was a recall provision here, don’t you think we would have used it already? When you lump the dems with the republican voters, you are making people not even want to try and rid this state from fascist rule because no one ever says...”Nice job...thanks for trying”. Not with the Florida activists. This is the only state that I have noticed that ALL the people get blamed for what we have.