For those of you unfamiliar with Lonesome Rhodes, this was a fictional character from the 50’s that the late Andy Griffith portrayed before the days of Mayberry. The first on screen debut from what I know of Andy Griffith and trust me he was terrifying in the character. Andy Griffith voted for PBO and did some advertising for him back in 08. No matter what you thought of Andy..He seemed to know his politics. He said in that interview discussing the old movie, “ It could happen”. Well here we are. It has happened.
If you haven’t seen A Face in the Crowd...Do watch it. In the meantime, know we were warned about the con who thought his supporters were sheeple.
Today. after reading Lawrence Lewis’s post and a few others, I thought I would check out a clip from A face in the Crowd again. This is when I discovered this:
x YouTube VideoAndy Griffith warning people a Lonesome Rhodes could emerge
A Face in the Crowd trailer
x YouTube Video