As I watched the unveiling of the Former President and First Lady Obama portrait’s, I reminded myself of what true words and thoughts should every true American take into the voting booth.
Hope instead of Hate
Equality instead of Exclusion
Fairness instead of Fear
Compassion instead of Cruelty
Wisdom instead of whining
Fact instead of Fiction
Progress instead of Primative
Accountable instead of Authoritism
People over Power
Remember Vote Blue in 2022
There are so many words to describe our choices and to sustain our democracy but unless we stop this mess right now, we will be living in a regime that is far removed from Freedom and our Constitution not to mention lost lives in previous wars and rights fought for in the past.
When you go out and talk to people and GOTV, remember these words and their opposites and the effect on our lives, and future generations.
I actually think Hope instead of Hate should be a slogan. It should be a bumper sticker and on a hat. Some people have to be reminded that a cult is trying to destroy our way of life.
Thanks for listening.