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If the Trump bunch defy subpoenas and you know they will, if not charged, then we have no law.


Remember Susan MacDougel?  Do subpoenas just apply to non political  folks and journalists?  If that be the case then we have no real law in this country.

Tomorrow is the deadline for documents to be turned over to the January 6th commission.  I want to know where our democracy stands and if not obeying  court orders only works for the republican well connected, then we can kiss the republic goodbye.  We have laws in place to survive in a civil country and January 6th was not civil or American.

Merrick Garland and the DOJ best be ready to do more than give lip service.  They better lock some folks up for contempt of congress.  I don’t know about you folks but I am tired of this cat and mouse game being played with things as serious as an insurrection.  People died.  Lives were threatned and  The people’s house...our house was trashed and we the people were spit upon and have been trampled on and if people are not going to comply with the law then we have none.  Subpoenas are just pieces of paper like receipts if not enforced.  NO ONE IS ABOVE the law, or is supposed to be.  They think they are and have proven over and over they get away with breaking it.

Susan MacDougel should sue  if this bunch of republicans do not comply.

Hillary Clinton sat in front of the Bengazi hearings for 11 straight hours complying with the law and did not dodge questions.   

Susan Carol McDougal (née Henley; born 1955) is one of the many people prosecuted as a result of the Whitewater controversy of the 15 individuals who were convicted of federal charges.[clarification needed]

Her refusal to answer "three questions" for a grand jury, on whether President Bill Clinton lied in his testimony during her Whitewater trial, led her to receive a jail sentence of 18 months for contempt of court. That made up most of the total 22 months she spent incarcerated.


And that was a grand jury not congress.

LOCK THEM UP.  Every person on that committee represents, We the People who want answers and every subpoena they defy is saying We the People have no control over criminals who defy court orders.  Equal Justice?  No such thing.  Pretty words...and a nice idea but not true unless they are locked up and fined for Contempt of Congress.

To me, it is like someone committing arson and when the Fire commisioner comes out to investigate the fire and finds out there was gas supplied and matches and people who knew there would be a fire to take lives and asks to speak to those people, they simply say F . U and all is forgotten.  That is not law, that is just plain unforgiveable to the lawabiding and the dead.

Contempt of Congress is defined in statute, 2 U.S.C.A. § 192, enacted in 1938, which states that any person who is summoned before Congress who "willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a maximum $1,000 fine and 12 month imprisonment.

Before a Congressional witness may be convicted of contempt, it must be established that the matter under investigation is a subject which Congress has constitutional power to legislate.

Generally, the same Constitutional rights against self-incrimination that apply in a judicial setting apply when one is testifying before Congress.


Quinn v. U.S., 349 U.S. 155, 75 S. Ct. 668, 99 L. Ed. 964, 51 A.L.R.2d 1157 (1955).

Fields v. U.S., 164 F.2d 97 (App. D.C. 1947).


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