Yesterday was an interesting day of sorts. Every once in awhile there will be street preachers on the street here in North Central Florida. I was heading to get a sub sandwich. I heard the three men singing and had signs and all that is fine as we do get to say what we feel as long as we are not pushing ourselves on folks. Free speech and all. That rule may not apply in this red small town to the Muslim community but these were Baptists. ( so no one had a problem with it)
My daughter and I were crossing over the small street in downtown ( which is small) when I saw this kind looking fellow approaching me with his leaflets. I said softly to myself and daughter walking with me. “ Don’t do it”..Don’t do it...Don’t engage. He did.
He walked up to me and said, “ Hi there. I said, “Hi”. He said, “ I want to invite you to church”. He handed me two leaflets of their beliefs and mission. I stood there as he explained that he had pastored for 20 years in town and now joins his son in the adjoining town ( same county). I said, “ What denomination”? He said, “Evangelical Baptist”. I then gave him some of my bio. I said, “ I am the daughter, of a minister of 50 years. I am the granddaughter of a pastor, and niece of several ministers. All of my children and grandchildren know the scriptures. He looked like he may not have believed me. I could have walked away. I didn’t. I said, “ I want to ask you a few questions and see if you see things the way I believe things are.” These questions are not comfortable for either of us but I am still going to ask the questions. He looked a little stunned. I said, “ These are political in nature but I got a feeling it comes from your church as well”.
I said, “ Do you think a man can be right with God, be a Christian, ( although we are not to judge) but claims christianity when he lies, cheats, steals and causes Division not to mention adultery WITHOUT having a need to ask forgiveness? He seemed a little puzzled and then said, “No, I do not believe anyone can do anything without asking forgiveness, it is impossible.” I said, Well that is what Trump claims. HE CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN YET DOES NOT NEED TO ASK FORGIVNESS FOR ANYTHING. Explain that to me. He shook his head. He said, “I voted for the man but do not accept some of what he does”. I said, “ He is running again”. Look it up. I didn’t make this up. Do you believe America needs someone who does and continues to do what he does and claim Christianity believing what YOU say you believe. Is that your position that hypocrisy is OK? His head dropped and said, “ NO”. That would be a hypocrit.
I said, “Do you know a Brother Robert who is a minister not two miles from where you preach and has lived in this town for years? He said, “ don’t believe so”. I gave Brother Robert’s last name. I gave the name of his church and then preceded to say, “It is an AME church. It is a black congregation with just a few white folks.. Me included. He baptized my daughter in June. How do you not know this fine minister?
I then said, “ Are you familiar with the scripture, “ That sweet and sour cannot flow from the same fountain”?
King James Version Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? James 3:11 Explain how that is OK? Crickets. I then said, “ How about? Titus 1:16 They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their actions. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed. Or not asking forgiveness and then he finished and said, and turn away from it. I said, “Yes”. I then looked the man in the eye and said, I pray for Trump. Nancy Pelosi prays for Trump. That is my our duty to pray for all those in power. I will not attend any church that upholds that man for whatever reason in his hypocritical actions, nor his followers. He seemed a bit confused and I said, “ I did not write those words. It is not fake news.” I am a person of faith and I have to ask forgiveness everyday. Be not deceived. Is that not what the Bible says? He nodded yes. That is what the scriptures say. He extended his hand and said, “I enjoyed talking with you”. My daughter stayed silent. I shook his hand and said, You will be in our prayers. I left the leaflets and did not take them. When I got my sandwich and came out of Subway, the man and his sidewalk ministry had packed up and left. Maybe it was time for him to leave or maybe just maybe he had some thinking and reading to do. THIS is how every person who claims they are a person of faith needs to approach the hypocrisy of these evangelicals trusting Trump or any hypocrisy. I believe that with all my heart. Call it out but back it up with the scriptures they are cherrypicking. I then said the way I believe, “ There is no party above God and family and truth” The Truth will set you free. People have the right to believe or not. They have free will. Those of us who do claim faith need to use the scriptures to confront the hypocrites. Peace….. |