Why is any African American voting Trump? Why would any woman vote Trump? Why would any member of the Gay and Lesbian communtiy vote Trump? Why would any so called Christian vote Trump? Why would any democrat or any person wanting any type of equality vote for Trump. I do not understand any of this electorate voting Republican but TRUMP????? He does not even qualify as a human. He has no dignity nor class or honesty.
I know Rod Serling from the Twilight Zone is dead but it seems his imagination of the series has written the script for this election cycle? He also was a damn good democrat and would probably turn over in his grave to see his Twilight Zone come to life in America.
Has the insane become the majority? What is wrong with these voters? Is there an underground of endless money supply going into the pockets of these unlikely voters going to those who vote Trump? I am quite sure the Bush family and the Romney’s are out there scratching their heads as well. Will someone please make me understand? Are these people hynotized or what? I saw an interview of a white woman in Florida getting out the vote with 10,000 calls under her belt FOR TRUMP. I heard a black Pastor ..two actually praising Trump. What is happening here?
Do these voters want a dictator? Do they want hate? Do they want an uprising? What could they possibly gain with Donald Trump? WTF indeed.
x YouTube VideoThese people are lost..Absolutely lost.. I fear.
x YouTube Video