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We need to start this ...now..begin tomorrow..2019 can be a lot better !


I don’t normally do resolutions.   I do however, try to plan out a few things.  This time is a bit different. We are the ones who have to save America.  We the People have an awesome responsibility to make America, America decent.   We need to start strategizing .  

I personally am going to put my all into Dana Cottrell’s new campaign for 2020.  We need to be able to put some action and good sense in the congress and senate, just as we did in the midterms.  

We need roads, bridges, decent wages, the securing of social security, medicare, climate change and environmental protections.   We need better safeguards for our food, lower medication prices and better consumer protections.  We need our treaties honored,  We have to work as a unit.  We cannot back bite and work against one another and we can start to turn this mess around.  We made a good start in the 2018 elections but we need to unify completely with our messaging and stop this infighting on who is the most progressive or whatever,  and arguing about the best candidate which is  division and not accomplishing one single thing. 

Each state and district has their own people with their own priorities and views.  I would love for the country to be unified as United and not sectioned off with this labeling of blue dogs, or liberals, or DINO’s.   This won’t ever happen because there are too many variables in a demographic area to run a candidate that is totally unelectable in their district.  We do the best we can with our areas. 

I have my own opinion on all of the candidates about to throw their hat in the ring for President.   We need some really good reality checks on who can message and bring the win in for ALL THE PEOPLE.  I think each possible presidential candidate needs to look far beyond their own blue or red state.     It is a big tent and we need to realize not all voters are of the same mindset.  We need to value each and every voter and get behind the candidate without all the “ I’m going to take my ball home and not play ( or vote  in this case) if my guy or gal does not get to be the pitcher.   The Obama/Hillary infighting was terrible.  The Hillary/Sanders infighting was worse in my opinion, and what we don’t need is so much infighting that the game is lost.   That is part of how we ended up in this mess.   As Will Rogers answered once if he belonged to any organized party and his answer was, “No, I’m a democrat”.  Somewhere along the line that joke became a reality.  It’s not funny anymore.

We need to unify as a party and stand with one another and behind our candidates and we need to start January 2019.   We need to rec and tip all write ups on candidates as to help support them on a grassroots level.  We need to GOTV, we need to stop doing the opposition’s job regarding our own party with the back biting on this blog and other places.   The media does enough to help the opposition that We the People, the voters, do not need to engage in such ruination of a win.  

We can hold our people accountable after the win, not while they are running.   The more people we vote into the statehouses, the local legislatures and work to elect congressional and senate candidates, the better chance we have on the presidential run.  

You really only have one job as a citizen other than paying taxes.   That job is to give of yourself and community the right to a better government,  We are not propoganda people.  We need to bring the messaging home that we need to build up what has been torn down.   We need to spend a lot of time getting on the same grassroots level of a 50 state strategy and turn American values into something we no longer have to be be ashamed about.   We need each other in times like no other.

We need to unify.

Just do it !  A focused electorate and energized voter is the key IMO to a win.   Don’t even bother trying to change the cult group thinkers for the Trumps and McConnell’s.  They won’t change their minds.  Many or most do not even understand how government works and have been gaslighted to the point they cannot even tell what is in their best interest.  Make them what they are, ignorant voters who vote against their best interest.  Keep them in the minority.  There are more of us than them, we just need to be better organized.   If our state parties are not doing their jobs, then pick up the slack and make it happen for the candidate.

Happy New Year .   It is up to us.

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