We have heard a lot about Trump. We actually have learned most of the evil of Trump from Trump himself.
Ted Cruz? OMG… This man is totally crazy.
I can speak on this matter rather intelligently...Theocracy. I am the daughter of a REAL man of the cloth who always but always voted Democrat and always but always never crossed up Church and State. He never preached politics or judgmental things from the pulpit. He never believed in those kind of hate filled so called people of faith. He and I feel they are wolves and hypocrites. Ted Cruz has a Daddy who claims to be a preacher. He IS a preacher of hate. I have never in my life seen such rantings and judgment of the people ( except in this new Mega Churches) who scam people for money and power. Think of Jim Jones on steroids. The Cruz Cult.
I could go on and on and on for hours how my faith has been hijacked by these spoon fed from the pulpit Fearmongers make hate appear glorious. The Bible speaks of such people.
Today is Sunday… and I feel a little preachy over this obscene state of affairs this United States has found itself in, this election cycle.
We have been here before when people fled to a new land in search of relief from
religious persecution. America was founded on many things but Christianity was not one of them. In the name of God….we have almost devoured our freedoms. We have choices to believe or not but that will not be the case under a Cruz ( God Forbid) presidency.
After a couple of wins in the primary and begging people to take down Trump...He is the GOP savior.
What a mess. Trump is a narcissistic ,fascist, sexist, con but Cruz is carrying a flag AND a cross. He actually believes the crap he is selling. They are both Fascists. He actually believes what Trump is selling but he is making it look more acceptable. Make no mistake about that. The most dangerous of the two IMO is Ted Cruz. You cannot talk reason to people willing to kill or die for their beliefs. Ted Cruz is one of those people. He is empowered by the likes of John Hagee, and Wiley, his pator, his father and a guy named Fischer who will join him on the campaign trail tomorrow.
I do not care who you are for...Bernie or Hillary but you cannot afford to sit this election out or whatevever you are planning to do but vote for the nominee. Also, you are not permitted in this diary to sling mud at either dem candidate. We have to beat these haters of America. Markos’s
book should be selling and on back order… He nails it with the American Taliban.
Fischer: Native Americans Are Mired In Poverty and Alcoholism Because They Refuse to Accept Christianity SUBMITTED BY Kyle Mantyla on Tuesday, 2/8/2011 12:16 pmBryan Fischer is back with another history lesson for us all - this one on how the Native Americans deserved to lose control of North America because "the superstition, savagery and sexual immorality" made them "morally disqualified from sovereign control of American soil."
You see, there are three ways that control over land is established: settlement, purchase, and conquest. And in the case of Native Americans, it turns out that they were just like the Canaanites who were so immoral that God decided that "the slop bucket was full, and it was time to empty it out" and so he tasked Israel with being the "custodian to empty the bucket and start over
- See more at: www.rightwingwatch.org/...
Right Wing Watch also posted this today.
xtremist Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim Bigot Bryan Fischer To Join Ted Cruz At Mississippi Campaign Rally On Monday SUBMITTED BY Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 3/4/2016 3:56 pmWe have noted several times before that there seems to be no activist who is too extreme to be embraced by Ted Cruz's presidential campaign and that continues to be the case as today, the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer announced that he will be joining Cruz at a campaign rally in Mississippi on Monday.
Fischer said on his radio program today that he'll be speaking at a Cruz campaign rally over the weekend which the GOP candidate will not be attending and again at another rally in Ellisville, Mississippi on Monday at which Cruz will be present.
- See more at: www.rightwingwatch.org/…
Check out a few of these Cruz videos. THIS is why you have to work to get our eventual nominee elected….We are in a dark dark place. Do not be part of the nightmare...When democrats show up to vote, they win. Big Period. They win. If you have never seen one of the thoecratic side shows...I urge you to go visit. You will be astonished. You will be embarrased. You will vote out of sheer fear if nothing else. I went out of curiousity many many times….to see the Armies of God ( so called). You do not want your children and grandchildren raised with this kind of crazy. Crazy is acceptable to most republicans.. They built it and funded it. You do not have to accept it. This time with a supreme court vacancy and nuts freshly presented for picking as better than Clinton or Sanders...YOU do have to vote. It is to me like ,,,,Live or Die time.
x YouTube Video x YouTube VideoPhony but selling his product of theocracy and family values !
x YouTube VideoDO NOT LET these extremists gain more power… VOTE !