This is just mindboggling to the sane. My husband used to say years and years ago, that when the insane become the majority, the sane go to the hospital. For two years 45 has had the majority in power.
Let’s face it, we are pretty smart people. Daily Kos and others are really smart people. We fight for sanity on a daily basis but we are not smart enough to ever and I mean ever figure out all the stupid and criminal actions of that thing sitting in the White House with his devil spawn. Mueller is smart and has a team of smart people working out details and putting together pieces but it is like working on a jigsaw puzzle the size of Alaska.
I am tired of hearing about comparing this mess to Watergate. Watergate was baby poop. This is sheer insanity and stupidity in our face every single day, almost every single minute. You can’t lose it. You can try. Somewhere, somehow his greed and insanity shows up. The mail will run, the phone will ring, a Trumpster will get in touch, breaking news will hit on a local channel and there we are..stuck in the middle of insanity. One would have to be a hermit living in the middle of nowhere with no communication at all to anyone to go one day without hearing the name TRUMP or something really stupid he has done. We have crossed over into the Twilight Zone. It is almost like watching Woody Woopecker doing an impersonation of Al Capone, doing an impersonation of a President, and doing them all poorly.
x xYouTube VideoWe have no idea how much money we have been fleeced, nor how many people have suffered, or how much we are laughed at, or how much we have been sold out or for that matter, how many people have died from his incompetence. We also have a bunch in congress who has turned their backs on the country and decided to be little pecker followers or as insane as he is. My Lord his best friend’s name was Pecker.
I have worked in law enforcemnent and just a routine investigation takes time and effort…. so this thing is really concerning.
It is a Pandora’s box of insanity. It actually got opened the day he rode down that escalator. The plague had been contained somewhat until it got power.. REAL POWER. The kind that affects every life in America and with the climate change, in the world.
We need an intervention. I don’t know what kind, but we need one. We need that or a vaccine to prevent this plague from spreading. 100 years from now, some scoop will come through that he was negotiating a Red hot deal in Hell with the Devil to put up a Tower in the blazing inferno, because we will never find out ALL of the dirty deeds. He has already committed enough to be exiled from the country.
Did I mention, I hate cartoons. I never liked Woody Woodpecker. I am wanting this nightmare to end and send us back to innovation and truth with a dab of accomplishment. I knew Putin wanted America, but I did not think crazy had to be part of the fight. I live to keep my brain cells in tact another day.
Look at it this way, please. Look what we already know and it is mindboggling. What is it we don’t know? That’s a real mind blower. The possibilities are endless.
Twilight Zone
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