45 said tonight in Tampa that the time has come for Voter ID cards because of course you can’t buy groceries without an ID card….WHAT ! My local Winn Dixie
pushed the plenti rewards card on me but they never ever mentioned I needed to show ID to buy some ketchup and hot dog buns. I tell you what…..My husband just happens to know the son of the former founder of WD and I guess we need to give him a call and ask what the fine is for not having one of those ID cards….
What bothers me is some poor soul will believe this nonsense and get all upset because they don’t have such a card. My question to Trump is...so #1 what the hell do you know about buying groceries? #2...Does McDonalds and KFC require the same picture ID and #3...Do you have a clue about anything with REAL LIFE?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. He wasted his some time back. He just makes junk up at the drop of a hat.