If people do not think we are in deep trouble, then listen again, just to refresh your memory and outrage. Media keeps saying, Putin has something on Trump.
I think it is deeper than that. What did McCarthy know and when did he know it?
People have forgotten this, I fear. NO JOKE...McCarthy knew as did Paul Ryan.
There are more players in this takeover than Trump and the coverup runs deep.
x xYouTube VideoKos himself called them Traitors. It is time for the people of each state to call out these legislators and find out why THEY are being blackmailed or why is Russia paying them.
Time for the media to direct questions at these folks ! Why did this not cause a larger outrage? A dictator paying 45? This to me is damning and yes I know old news but all 45 had to do was create an ongoing chaos. These people are taking OUR money. They are raping our institutions and they are doing it on our dime. They know. They know Russia is taking over and all we do is wait for the next chaos. Keep in mind, McCarthy is House Majority Leader. I surely hope Muller is looking into the people serving in the legislature.
Oh, there is a deep state but it is a Deep State of Treason from within the GOP.
Trump is a tool. A very useful idiot. The power of the takeover is coming from these traitors. Trump could do little without the aid and comfort of these traitors.
Today from the Wall Street Journal.
Mr. Rohrabacher also acknowledged Tuesday that he was in a meeting in 2015 with Russian national Maria Butina, who was arrested this week on charges of failing to register as a foreign agent. She has been accused by the Justice Department of trying to set up back-channel relationships with Republican officials through the National Rifle Association, accusations her attorney denied. Mr. Rohrabacher characterized the indictment as “stupid” in an interview with Politico.
For years, Mr. Rohrabacher has pushed for better ties between the U.S. and Russia, sometimes putting him in conflict with other GOP lawmakers. Last year, he tried to broker a deal that would end WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s U.S. legal troubles in exchange for what he described as evidence that Russia wasn’t the source of hacked emails published by the website during the 2016 presidential campaign. The “deal,” as he called it, didn’t materialize.