We might as well admit it. 45 is actually Sean Hannity. CNN just called Nunes a great and honorable man while praising Gina Haskell as a great leader. She is going to save the world. (in so many words) Now, on top of that he just said America no longer has to apologize and are great again as we are respected again.
He actually brought up her work in the Bush Administration. WOW.. I think I am gonna go puke somewhere.
CIA Haspel Chief is playing on the first woman to be in this position. I got news for you Haspel, “ YOU are not representative of my type of women in leadership” !
45 sounds just like Sean Hannity.
Do you know what is so strange? CIA now will probably go all out after the FBI via Gina and the FBI, DOJ and CIA was put together for security by Tom Ridge (R) and with the leadership of FBI Robert Mueller after 911 and created Homeland Security. Now they appear to be at war with one another. Thanks Hannity or 45, or whatever or whomever speaks for you today. You are nuts. You turned Homeland Security into the Game of Thrones.