Veterans Day should not be confused with Memorial Day. I am saying they should not be confused but this year it seems to overlap due to the disrespect our Gold Star Families have received from this administration who is now in Vietnam..about 40 some odd years late. How’s that bone spur? I hate to make this political but the veteran families are so very important with the pain and suffering so many endure.
Still serving, I need to explain. Kos, the owner of this site served honorably in the military and continues to serve his country by engaging people in the voting and election process. He and thousands have worn the uniform yet continue to serve. We have veterans on this site who are very engaged with helping other vets with social issues, mental health problems and a support to military families. These veterans need our respect and honor.
No one in a foxhole asks a person who is coming to their rescue, if they are gay or transgender or Muslim or women, or Latino, or black. Each person who has went through the training and served their country come from all walks of life. They work as a unit with one mission and that is serving their country. When the uniform is shed, then the politicians decide just how well they will be treated and so far I have seen much room for improvement.
I want to say, not all veterans deserve to be respected because of their abuse to other veterans that served. Many women have been sexually abused while serving and that along with millions being known everyday sexually abused and more than we know who served our country. My small org will only help those who have served honorably and it is right there in our bylaws.
I could name so many on just this site who have organizations and run for office and continue to serve. The war does not leave the soldier when the solider leaves war. I can attest to this as a veteran’s wife.
To the families of the veterans who are no longer with us, we honor your loved one’s sacrifice. We are ashamed of the treatment many veterans receive while being props for political gain. We need to stop this. A person did not always have the choice to volunteer. Many received notices that said, “ Greetings” and many were in basic and off to war before you could count to 3.
Not all veterans want to hear , “ Thank you for your service” but I know none who resent the words, “ Appreciate all you have done on behalf of this country”. The one thing veterans swore to do was uphold the constitution of America. That has never been more needed than the year 2017.
Thanks for your continued service vets and Vet families. Your lives were changed at a young age and you need to know there are some folks who don’t think of you as props, or forgotten. I won’t say Happy Veterans Day. Most veterans are not all that happy. I will say “ To those who served with honor, you deserve to be recognized and everyday, you need consideration of your sacrifices and should not have to fight for appointments and compensation for service and non service connected injuries. The very best way to help a vet is to quit making so many.
Many still appreciate your real patriotism for your fellow Americans. To us, it is more than a flag waving parade to honor you. It is a daily struggle to see that veterans and their families be recognized for their past service and continued struggles,
I want to include the reminder from Denise that our veterans are helping to rebuild lives in Puerto Rico. Thank you Vets…. You continue to serve.