This country is falling or has fallen down the tubes. We need Dem leadership up in Republican faces everyday. We need mass exposure of dim witted legislators by sane legislators pointing out the lack of protecting American citizens while drawing big fat paychecks. They are not upholding the constitution regarding our pursuit of happiness or domestic tranquility. That bunch in Washington is using our tax dollars to make us isolated and fearful and that is not their jobs. They all took oaths to protect the constitution. Dems should be on the floor holding it and calling out their republican counterparts instead of calling them, “ My friend Sen or Rep so and so.
Democrats should be voting by the droves. Republicans are beholding to tax cuts and special interests. Get that through our dem leadership’s heads. If they are guilty then call them out too. They should be holding mass marches in every state and leading when not in session. When in session they should hold the out of order or whatever but the death panels cannot keep marching. There is blood on the floor and in the streets. There is hatred all around. There is fear. There is propaganda. There are foreign countries making the rules. This is not what I expect from America or it’s leaders.
They tear up protest petitions. They don’t read them. They have some staffer shred em all., or lay them aside. When one can not go to a place of worship, or school, or movie, or music concert, or club, without fear of being gunned down, who are the prisoners? Where is the war zone? Who is enjoying freedom? When we have liars lying to us publicly, without being held accountable, who are the chumps? We have babies dying in the street. We have the disabled mocked. We have Gold Star families ridiculed. What? What ? This is 2017? Trashy Americans and those who are leading this country into a pit of fearful hell should all be thrown out of office and be making headlines everyday with their in your face...face to face contempt… ( Not twitter) In your face... to get this country in some sort of civilized state.
I don’t know what we are right now but it is not America the Beautiful. Daily our elected officials should be holding that floor that is suppose to represent We the People and call them out. We should have their backs in every street in America and on the Capitol steps. Nothing will change until this happens.
We are in a land of lawlessness and confusion and on our own. What are you prepared to do. I suggest Voting tomorrow is a good start. We have to take this country in a forward direction and kick the bums out no matter which side of the aisle they sit. Our lives now depend upon it.
If the people have to shut the government down, then so be it. We cannot live like this and choose not to die and live in fear. We pay these people to stand up to corruption and lawlessness not to allow them to fly on private jets and not protect the part of the constitution that protects the American people. People in power can call them out...EVERYDAY. There is a whole lot more than the 2nd Amendment in the constitution.
We in America due to the lack of courage in DC and that white house incompetency is a laughing stock. Guess what...They represent us and I think we should demand accountability ! We need to speak with ONE VOICE.
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