[tree-zuh n] Spell Syllables ExamplesWord OriginSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.comnoun
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or killits sovereign. 2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state. 3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery. Explore Please explain to me how Donald J Trump # 45 and his pen of treachery is not treason. I hear people say..No it is hard to prove treason. Really? There is plenty of evidence of Russian interference for him to be elected. He has taken away rights of immigrants. He has lied to the people over and over. He has put us in danger with war powers and talking Fire and Fury He wants more nukes He is leaving a territory to die and Puerto Rico to suffer He has tried to bully the separation of powers in congress He has ignored the constitution with the profiting while in the White House He has lied and lied about his Russian involvement. He has tried to kill the first amendment. Now he has taken away with his pen the ACA subsidies to give people the right to lawful healthcare. Now he plans to not honor the Iran deal He has pulled from the Paris deal. He has put into place a pattern for millions and millions of Americans suffer or die or both. HOW IS THIS NOT TREASON? How is congress not guilty of neglect? Someone with a higher pay grade than me explain this to me. How is all of this not abuse of power? Nazism ! KKK ! The Republican leadership and this POS took an oath to defend and protect the constitution. They are not. PEOPLE ARE DYING and more will die due to the constitution not being upheld. I think his actions require more than a knee. It requires a flag being flown upside down in every public gathering as a country in distress. Benedict Don. This is what we have.