I could care less for football, but I do care about dissent. This was the first shot of Show me your Papers. Rocketmouth 45 wants to dictate how you act on or off the clock. TAKE A KNEE. He went from calling POC from thugs to SOB’s. He called the Nazis and white supremacist “ Very fine people”.
Take a Knee for all the people who have defended your right to protest. Stand for something or fall for anything. TAKE A KNEE.
The hypocrite in Chief who deferred time after time during Vietnam is calling YOU out if you do not obey. There are no excuses. It is time. YOU must stand united against this outrage. TAKE A KNEE.
Thomas Jefferson” The highest form of patriotism is dissent”.
x xYouTube VideoIf you believe in equal justice for all and no to dictatorship… Get off your white ass and on your knee. United We stand.
Rant over.