There was a poll on MSM stating that 70 percent of Americans are afraid of ISIS.
Here are your huddled masses afraid of a Muslim or a Black teenager when they should be afraid of the gun nut who may shoot them for taking their parking spot.
They should be afraid of losing their homes to Wall Street bankers. They should be afraid of the road rage out there. They should be afraid of some right winged domestic terrorist walking into a theater or school, armed to the max to shoot innocents to soothe some imagined booger that is lurking in their own twisted mind. They should be afraid of the domestic violence. They should be afraid of the food they are eating, the water they are drinking or the under or non insured that can infect them. There are more deaths every single day in America’s prisons and roads than any scary, propaganda fed foreign terrorist lurking.
These people who are clinging to both guns and religion obviously do not understand either. We have an idiot running for president who asked at a tRump rally , one of his fans, would he have let the couple in California shoot him or would he have fought back. Bad Billy Bob Prat said he would have taken out his firearm and would have shot them. Stupid !!! Yes siree….That 38 would have mowed down that AR-15. His reasoning defies logic and physics. Reality? He would have fell to the floor because that is what people under attack do. Ask any combat vet that has been ambushed. They dive down first. The want to be Roy Rogers calmed his fears and pumped up his ego by saying, I pack because I am a God fearing Christian. I shook my head. The people preaching fear from the pulpit do not believe in the same God I do. My belief is we are not given a spirit of fear.
What will Christmas be this year during gift giving time from these Chicken Little’s ? Open up a package that says, Peace on Earth From Uncle Dum Dum and inside is a Firearm? Now you feel better because you can go to hear the preacher and carry that gun because you don’t trust the God you profess to keep you safe.
Wouldn’t that be making the gun your God? I think they call that hypocritical thinking.
The home of the brave. I am so ashamed of these 70 percent who either live in a bubble or never knew how to reason and live without shaking in their boots
The whole fearmongering defies logic and common sense. They need to get this through their heads.. You are going to die. I am going to die. Does it matter if you die in a car wreck or get blown to bits. Dead is dead. What does matter, is if you lived in fear. What does matter is what you do with making life better for your children and grandchildren. What does matter is helping your neighbor, the less fortunate and building up what greed and fear has brought down. It takes courage to live today. Not the kind of courage that can be bought at a gun show.
It takes courage and real faith to try and enjoy life without running into the shadows . Courage is not being afraid of a person’s faith, race, ethnic background or beliefs. Courage is doing the right thing for the right reasons. This is supposed to be America. Most of the people telling you to arm yourselves never had the courage to do anything remotely heroic in their lives. All these people cared about was making a buck, getting a tax break on that buck and making wars they send others to fight. Wake the Hell up !!!!
Go on...Be afraid...You are already dead in spirit. You have no joy. Just fear.
We have few leaders, few ethics, little class, poor education and lock away people who dare to be brave with their science and minds. This is not the home of the brave anymore. This is the home of Barney Fife. Thank you brought in the swagger of ego and chickenhawks. You created ISIS and now we are stuck with people afraid to go anywhere without a gun strapped on them. We have little justice and no oversight. We have become a bunch of spoon fed babies who feel they are going to live forever and are going to hit the lottery any day. In other words, we have a populace that thinks all things can be settled with blaming others and shooting those that do not agree with you. How Sad. If you are afraid of what most republicans are afraid of, then that is very sad. They own you and therefore can control you. Fear….a great control weapon.
We are surrounded by idiots, high as a kite on some hard ass drugs and armed to the teeth… THAT is something to be afraid of.