The chickenwing of the Republican party is cruel. The chickenwing of the Republican party is scattered. The chickenwing of the Republican party is nonsense. The chickenwing of the Republican party has no direction. They are rebellious. They lie. They badger and in the end they get eaten up and the taste is bad and causes people to vomit.. These chickenwings are very very bad for one's health. Those who buy the Chicken wings of the Republican party wonder why they feel bad the day after. No matter how many times you have to go to the medicine cabinet to take Pepto Bismol, there is only one cure.....Stay away from those Chickenwings. People need to stay away from Chickenwings served up from Republicans... Republicans serve up chickenwings and tea and it is toxic and they make America a very sick country.
Those people who watched the Bengazi hearing saw Chickenwings served up like a very bad stomach virus.
Their appearance came off as not only partisan but cruel and attempting to batter a senior citizen grandmother in the backyard by a bunch of teenage bullies.