Last night I actually had a good laugh thinking of just how unqualified Trump is and then I thought… Hey the people seem to want no experience and certain non qualifying things about one to sit and make decisions over their lives… I can do that.
I am 66 years old
I REALLY speak my mind
I have been married 3 times.
I have owned a for profit business that failed.
I have declared bankruptcy before
I actually founded a charity
I know a lot of evangelicals
I do not live in a penthouse nor have worked with the mob but I have known some unsavory people before.
I actually have called into many talk shows… Democracy Left ( Big interview there)..Kos Radio here. ( Had my own show). Frequent Cspan caller...Talked on CNN. ( I have not been on Stern but what the heck).
I have a Twitter Account. I can Tweet.
I have never had a job on TV but did have a job as a Radio host. I have appeared on TV before including C-Span. I also appeared on CNBC.
I can use the word beautiful, wonderful, many and could learn to lie proficiently with a little practice.
I know Military Leaders.
I have blogged for years.
I have a few big problems….I am a woman . I am a democrat and not republican. I am not surrounded by racists and believe in equal rights. I also may be a little more in the know about politics than required for office. ( Oh yeah, I have not grabbed testicles because I could) BUT I am sure I could find a few willing to submit to let me do this for the good of the country.
I do not have a helicopter or plane but John Travolta might help me if I asked real nice. He lives not far from me.
I know some musicians better than Nugent.
I put up this big pic of me because I have a little work to do on my ego.
I would probably pick Zen Trainer to help me out. I could rely on Navajo for the ground game.
Would you vote for me?