The last diary before the election. We have worked hard. Have we all voted?
Make your vote roar loud enough to break some the ceiling !
I am old enough to remember man walking on the moon
I am old enough to remember the Apollo missions
I am old enough to remember Roe V Wade becoming law.
I am old enough to remember when men could grab women by the head of the hair either on top of the head or below the waist and nothing would be done about it.
I am old enough to remember when women had to know their place.
I remember when I had to get permission and signature to buy and pay for anything in my own name ...but needed a man’s signature before I could obtain it.
I remember when some men did pitch fits if your best was not good enough.
I remember when you did have to work and do all the house cleaning to please your husband or boyfriend or whatever.
I am old enough to pretend to understand my hard work was not good enough for equal pay.
I want better for my granddaughters and all those who can hope for a dream and obtain it.
If you are thinking of sitting this one are obstructing history. You are saying that it is OK for a man like Trump to put my child and your child at the heel of any control freak who wants to disrespect and abuse their right as a human being.
Don’t sit this one out and don’t vote third party. A protest vote this time around is a death sentence to many women, minorities, refugees, immigrants and even to education, healthcare and so much progress that has been made over the years.
I am old enough to remember how it was. It was not great. It was subhuman.
Please cast your vote if you have not and do not think your vote does not matter.
It matters to me. It matters to your children and your future or present grandchildren.
Men…..Stand with us and help women of sound mind to break that ceiling and consider us not superior, nor inferior, but your equal. Now go out there and vote and the next sound we hear will be glass shattering !!!!!! The time is now, The time has come.
Thanks for listening and thanking all men across the nation who stand with us and are true heroic proportion during this election.
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