I am madder than Hell. My daughter who has a special condition and lives with us and trying to attend college just found out today that her Medicaid was cut except for family planning and she has to pay 935 a month out of pocket but qualifies for special needs. She makes 0 income. She has been on Medicaid all of her life due to our low income. She qualifies, Florida started cutting Medicaid and she was cut in Oct after her diagnosis and sees a cardiologist and therapist.
She is trying to go to college through FASFA and VA but she has no income. She is not able to work due to some blood circulation that affects her heart and it is called P. O. T, S.
I called DeSantis’s office and Medicaid and Family Children services and it clearly states… dUE TO YOUR INCOME….. she has no INCOME.
I was not nice. The letter said…. Based on YOUR income. She has none. They are basing it on our income and we only have VA and social security and trying to take care of 3 cardio patients in this house, My son who is 55 has no insurance and 2 heart stents. My husband is OK because of VA and 100 percent disability and I have Medicare.
I am pissed to no end and was on the phone 8 hours straight today raising Hell and getting all kinds of different answers but today I am going in person down to DCF. I don’t shoot people in the back but I damn sure will shoot you in the pocketbook if I can get some folks fired or sued.
I got the letter this week ...It was mailed in October… Sorry ass Dejoy.
Too late to appeal.
We could lose our house, and everything else. She tried to get private insurance but since we pay no taxes on our federal benefits and she has no income… Out of luck with purchasing private Obamacare.
Read this.
Meanwhile, children in Florida continue to lose coverage through the Medicaid unwinding – including many very sick children who were disenrolled on Easter. The number of children enrolled in Florida's Medicaid program has declined by 485,269 as of March 2024 as the state is close to completing its unwinding process. by Apr 17, 2024
Not just kids but targeted disabled and elderly and kids.
While children are losing Medicaid coverage nationwide due to the unwinding process, new data reveals that Florida has disenrolled 22,576 children from its Healthy Kids CHIP program since January 1, 2024, when new federal protections requiring states to provide 12 months of continuous coverage in Medicaid and CHIP went into effect, which included barring states from disenrolling children for failure to pay CHIP premiums during that 12 month period.
Florida is one of just nine states nationwide that charges premiums to children below 150 percent of the poverty line which equates to $38,730 for a family of three. Parents and adults at this income level who are currently receiving subsidized coverage through enhanced premium tax credits in the Marketplace in Florida do not pay premiums. As research has well documented, premiums create barriers to enrollment for low-income families; children whose families can’t pay premiums are most likely now uninsured. Seven states have dropped all premiums in CHIP at any income level over the past few years in recognition of the barriers they pose for low- and moderate-income families.
- Terminating coverage during the pandemicFlorida terminated medical coverage for almost 63,000 residents during the pandemic, even while accepting billions of federal dollars to keep people enrolled.
- Disenrolling children from CHIPSince January 1, 2024, Florida has disenrolled 22,576 children from its Healthy Kids CHIP program. Florida is one of nine states that charges premiums to children below 150 percent of the poverty line.
- Revoking coverage for disabled peopleSome disabled people in Florida have had their Medicaid coverage revoked.
Tallahassee, FL (September 23,2024) – Pro bono attorney Nancy Wright and two legal aid organizations filed a lawsuit today in federal court against Florida's Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), claiming that that the state's management of its Medicaid Long Term Care (LTC) Waiver program violates the U.S. ...Sep 23, 2024
Class action lawsuitA class action lawsuit alleges that the state's unwinding process was illegal and violated the constitutional rights of tens of thousands of Floridians.
Other factors that may contribute to Medicaid cuts in Florida include:
Per capita caps and block grantsThese proposals would establish separate funding caps for different populations, such as children, seniors, and people with disabilities
I cannot find crap about this plan…..which is not Medicaid.
- Children: Nearly 600,000 children in Florida lost Medicaid or CHIP in 2023.
- Total: According to KFF, 1.9 million people in Florida lost Medicaid coverage.
- Reasons for loss: Most people lost coverage due to procedural reasons, such as missing a deadline or changing addresses. However, health research firm KFF estimates that 650,000 lost Medicaid in Florida because they were deemed ineligible.
NOW WE KNOW Dejoy’s gig don’t we?
- Being sloppy and illegal
- Violating the constitutional rights of tens of thousands of Floridians
- Ending coverage without adequate notice
- Not providing an explanation of the actual reason
- Not adopting the Medicaid expansion
- Lacking a thorough process
- Disabled people in Florida still struggling to get Medicaid ...Sep 3, 2024 — In Florida, a class action lawsuit accuses the state's unwinding process of being not just sloppy, but illegal.NBC News
- Thousands of Floridians are losing Medicaid coverage. Here’s what ...Sep 26, 2023 — What is 'Unwinding? ' When the U.S. government declared a COVID-19 public health emergency in 2020, everyone approved ...Miami Herald
- An Estimated 600K Children have lost Medicaid in Florida ...May 10, 2024 — According to a report published this month on Medicaid disenrollment by the Center for Children and Families, nearly 6...Of the 1.9 million people in Florida who lost Medicaid coverage, according to KFF, patient advocates estimate that thousands of disabled people like Eakin have been affected.Sep 3, 2024All of this under google and loss of Medicaid in Florida.
As the Medicaid unwinding process unfolds, Florida removed a whopping 1.4 million of enrollees.
In the state, 2.8 million enrollees were re-approved for government health coverage, according to a report from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Because the continuous coverage for Medicaid ended this year, millions of Medicaid beneficiaries had to reapply, and a substantial amount didn't get re-approved.
However, significant chunks of that population were removed due to procedural reasons, like not submitting the form on time or having an incorrect address and not receiving proper notice about their loss of coverage.
At this link lists other states dropping Medicaid.
Don’t think it can’t happen to you. It sure as hell happened to us and my husband is 100 percent VA combat disabled vet and our daughter depended on Medicaid… They don’t even consider income here anymore but the letter said her income which she does not have and we have limited but we don’t depend on Medicaid for us.
States are dropping Medicaid according to Newsweek and don’t think Trump and DeSantis in Florida will stop with Florida….