I was taught right from wrong. I was taught when you talk a bunch of crap, you will probably get your butt beat. I was taught to not start confusion and when I was in school, if you didn’t obey the rules, you got kicked out.
What happened? Who or what dropped the ball on accountability from wrongdoing? Who or what said it was OK to get up and lie like a dog with violent intentions to people and not be held accountable?
How can we teach our children responsibility and accountability when there seems to be no consequences for behavior? FROM ADULT MISBEHAVIOR.
Seems to me like a parent or teacher can say, “You can’t do that or say that” and the response today is, “Or what”? That doesn’t happen here nor has it ever happened here. There was an Or What that followed that direction and folks living under our roof knew it.
Did people lose their spines? Did folks think they could do most anything without any consequences? I look at Trump’s life and say to myself. “ What a screwed set of values this person has”. Has he never had a time out? Has he never got his toys taken away? Has he never been put on a restriction so tough that he would know better? Has he never has a switch taken to those orange legs? Was pacifying him all he ever knew? As an adult he doesn’t get held accountable from society as we would? Are the people upholding his actions just as much given a pass as he?
JD Vance is a prime example of a screwed up kid who grew up to be a screwed up adult. If money does this kind of thing to people, then I am proud to be poor as a church mouse compared to them and their lack of accountability and moral value system.
My Mother used to say, “ Some people are not raised into adulthood but yanked up by the hair of the head or totally ignored. My parents had eyes like eagles and ears like bats. I could try to get away with something but truth is, my parents were one jump ahead of me. If I talked back or disobeyed their rules or was unkind, there was a price to pay. Someone pays the price for laziness of not holding folks accountable and it appears to me, half of this country is paying a price. When we have a Supreme Court not holding people accountable then this country is in big trouble. I chalk it up to not giving a damn about rules and accountability or plain fear. Some people have to be the adults and it appears to me we have a lot of unaccountable children trying to lead.
Wake up Value people. Hold people accountable for their wrongdoing. It is getting very dangerous to live in a land where people want to sit on their butts and live in a daze. It is like a bunch of hooligans running around naked shaking fingers in faces and daring them to cross them. That my friends is pure insanity to let people like the maga crowd get away with their behavior. We are supposed to have a set of laws and rules that EVERYONE has to abide by.
Thanks for listening. Face it. We have become a country with no accountability for so many and the stable folks are paying the price.