I am still sitting here with my jaw dropped. We are not members of the biggest lobby for gun violence so they must have assumed to just call random or had a list of veterans. The conversation went like this if you want to call it a conversation. It was more of a rant and I smiled ear to ear.
Yes Sir, my wife said you wanted to talk to me.
NRA: I want to speak to you about supporting the NRA.
Vet: Hold on… let me speak… ( guy was talking from script). Do you have any idea how many people
are killed with hand guns per day and how guns get through loopholes and gun shows in this country?
NRA: Word salad caught off guard… obviously looking for another script.
Vet: Hold on bud, I am a combat vet. Have you ever been shot at? Have you ever killed anyone with a firearm? Have you ever watched someone die in front of you? Have you seen the blood?
Have you had to live day in and day out knowing someone died because of a bullet? War, no war, if you have a conscience , it torments you? There are millions of guns out there in the wrong hands and here you are on a Saturday pushing them.
NRA: I didn’t call to talk about gun violence.
VET: Why? You called to talk about your lobby and guns? You called my phone to push your organization, the gun lobby that shows up every time pushing for more guns when there is a tragedy. Your NRA is a joke. You need to hear opposing views to the NRA and I have those statistics of deaths per day if you will listen.
Guy hangs up.
Now I know some of you will say, he was just a telemarketer trying to make a living. I say people need to believe in what they are selling and feel no pity for the guy representing old Wayne and the NRA. Don’t hang up if they call.. push the sensible gun legislation to them and let them know now how disgusting their organization is. No one said we were against the 2nd amendment but we are against the NRA. We also believe in revisiting that amendment with sensible legislation.
I hope they know now.. not all vets are for their organization and leadership. Know what surprised me the most? He never talks about his combat in Vietnam but guess today was the day. The NRA got him to speak out more than all the professionals have in over 40 years.